Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Message from Adviser

I am always happy to see young leaders like you accomplish all your plans for your office and constituents.

Leaders who are passionate, sincere, loyal and honest are output oriented. I have seen it in your batch, 2015-2016.

Rarely I express appreciation and when I say it I do mean it. In my experience as leader, I did my best thou I didn't know if it was the best to our constituents when I served SSCT SSG in 2007-2008 as Vice President and Secretary in the next academic year, I mastered two aspects, first was the transformational leadership with various field communication and second was the technical writing which is vital in organizational management. That's why I keep on reminding you on submission of reports.

All in, I will always treasure our moments in waving victorious programs, projects and activities which are mandated by the Department of Education.

I hope to advise you always but the cycle of life permits us for a year only.

Twas a year of superb success!
